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Medicolegal Death Investigator

Medicolegal Death Investigator

Today, the medicolegal death investigator is a professional who responds to some of the most horrific death scenes imaginable. The men and women who enter this forensic profession must possess strength in body, character and ethics in order to perform this important service. They enter crime and accident scenes dealing with death on a daily basis. They encounter all aspects of diseases, body fluids, drugs and weapons that may have potential harmful effects on them, simply from their presence. They enter homes ranging from dirty, pack-rat conditions, to executive mansions of the rich and famous. They deal with emotionally charged conditions involving the death of children, parents, wives and husbands, and always maintain a professional attitude regardless of the circumstances. They collect and handle property involving expensive jewelry, cash, and other valuables that they must protect and return to the decedent’s next of kin. They must be capable of examining decomposed and mangled bodies as well as reading and interpreting important medical records to help determine the manner and causes of death. They must coordinate their investigative efforts with other law enforcement agencies, medical staffs, fire department and rescue personnel, and at the same time, protect the interest of the deceased person, whom they represent in death.

Medicolegal death investigators present a specialized ingredient to the crime scene investigation. Through training and experience, combined with fortitude in character and mental well-being, the medicolegal death investigator contributes to the investigative process in a unique manner. They must possess a highly motivated desire to help families of decedents at a time when the need for the most gentle yet professional demeanor, is demanded of them. They must interact with highly trained medical doctors, a multitude of law enforcement personnel, sometimes angry and confused family members and the bureaucracy of public service to achieve one of the most difficult and important aspects of the criminal justice system.

By Emil Moldovan