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ALERT!! Development site for Susquehanna County

Susquehanna County Funeral Homes

Susquehanna County Funeral Homes

Funeral Homes requiring Cremation Authorization must Fax a signed and completed Death Certificate to the Coroner’s Office @ (570) 278-6633. A cremation authorization will be returned by fax or email to your Funeral Home and directly to the Crematory usually within 4 to 6 hours. On weekends you may not receive authorization until Monday until 10:00 AM. No cremation shall take place until you receive authorization. There is a $50.00 cremation authorization fee payable to Susquehanna County.

Susquehanna County Funeral Homes in Alphabetical Order

Bartron-Myer Funeral Home, Inc.
382 Church Street, Montrose, PA 18801
Telephone: (570) 278-8100

Daniel K. Regan Funeral Home
232 South Main Street, Montrose, PA 18801
Telephone: (570) 278-2750

Hennessey’s Funeral Home, Inc.
747 Jackson Avenue, Susquehanna, PA  18847
Telephone: (570) 853-3127

Jones & Brennan Funeral Home, Inc.
430 Main Street, Forest City, PA  18412
Telephone: (570) 785-3500

Kevin M. Lesjack Funeral Home
513 Main Street, Forest City, PA 18421
Telephone: (570) 785-3153

Shifler-Parise Funeral Home
102 Dundaff Street, Clifford, PA 18413
Telephone: (570) 282-3640

Tuttle-Yeisley Funeral Home
25 Susquehanna Avenue, Hallstead, PA  18822
Telephone: (570) 879-2287

NOTICE: The Susquehanna County Coroner’s Office does not and may not recommend any Funeral Home over another.  The list is provided only as a reference to the Funeral Homes located in Susquehanna County.  If the Funeral Home has a known web site a link is provided