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ALERT!! Development site for Susquehanna County

Local Emergency Planning Committee

Local Emergency Planning Committee
Susquehanna County
81 Public Avenue, Montrose, PA 18801
(570) 278-4600 Ext. 257
Fax (570) 278-4440

Act 165 of 1990, Chapter 2, Section 203 mandates that each county in the Commonwealth establish a Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). The LEPC is subject to the supervision of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Council and works in cooperation with its county’s emergency management agency (EMA).

Membership is dictated by Act 165. LEPC membership is comprised of: the county’s EMA coordinator, one county commissioner and at least one person from the following groups: elected officials representing local governments in the county, law enforcement, emergency medical services, local health department, local environmental agencies, hospital, transportation, firefighting, EMA, media, community response groups not affiliated with emergency services and owner/operators of facilities subject to SARA Title III.

Duties of the LEPC as specified in Act 165 include implementation and updating of local emergency response plans required by the Act, and collection of chemical reporting fees allowed under the Act and disbursement of said fees for hazardous materials preparedness and mitigation purposes.